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A warm welcome at the London stores

It’s been a really busy few weeks for me at Urban Retreat at Harrods and Fortnum & Mason. I am generally in Urban Retreat on Thursdays and Fridays and Fortnum & Mason on Saturdays. Here’s a photo of the Connock London products at Fortnums where they have pride of place as you arrive at the Bath & Body products on the Second Floor. Amazing!

The support and enthusiasm for the brand from both stores is absolutely fantastic.  I love going in to talk to customers about the brand and the products.  I was delighted the other day to meet a lady in Fortnum & Mason who came in with a press cutting about Connock London from The Daily Mail (23rd September) and had decided to make a special trip to London to buy the products!  I can't think who was more excited - the customer or me!

On that note, I would like to say a big thank you to the beauty journalists who have recently reviewed my products.  Connock London has received a wonderful welcome onto the scene for which I am extremely grateful.  Hot favourites at the moment are the Soothing Bath Oil and the Wonder Balm, with the Soaps coming a very close second.

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