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New Year’s Inspiration

The New Year is in its infancy, the decorations have once more been packed away, resolutions have been written and committed to memory. And for the most part, adhered to.

After the indulgent excesses of the festive season, we love the sense of a fresh start and the promise of new opportunities that come around every January. After a quick straw poll in the office, our resolutions include the usual suspects of fitting in a little more relaxation, taking better care of ourselves on the health and fitness front and remembering to take time to live in the moment.

But this year we also want to be inspired! As ever, the chance to leaf through some favourite magazines is high on the agenda but with the ever-increasing popularity of sites such as Pinterest and Instagram, the visual possibilities are now endless.

From inspiration comes creativity, motivation and a fresh energy that we think is essential to maintaining a passion for the things we love here at Connock London.

We’ve created some Pinterest boards to keep track of things we love, our Hawaiian heritage, seasonal memories and general gorgeousness that we hope will bring a smile on dark winter days. Pinning things of beauty is definitely addictive and we can’t wait to add more to our boards!

Do you use Instagram or Pinterest and if so, which accounts would you recommend that we follow?

You can follow Connock London on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook for all the latest updates.

  • Post author
    Amanda Connock

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